In the chaotic silence of the classroom, two solitary individuals strode up to the teacher's desk, in vile murk, discreetly concealed beneath a deceptive sheet of confidence. Neither looked at each other, the entire class stared at both while the teacher choose to let her sight fall on either, with that 'either' varying from time to time.
Those two pent-up souls were the final candidates contesting for the post of the class President – Martina Homes and Peter White. In the eyes of the teacher, Mrs. Sullivan, it was Martina who seemed to stand as a valid candidate, with all her goodness and talents to speak for themselves, for she was indeed one of those polite, yet confident and popular kids of Austin's college, while on the other hand Peter was a thorough ruffian, unpopular and disliked, in short, as the others of the school had labeled him, he was the school bully.
The two contestants delivered their vote appeal speeches and walked back to their respective seats amidst loud applauds, after exchanging a few hard looks. However what seemed strikingly cold was the devilish quietness that surrounded Mart, who although was Martina's twin, had failed to match her standards in any field. Martina had definitely set the bars too high. The silent mischief maker that he'd always been, made it considerably easy for anyone to realize that some devilish thought was taking its final forms, in his impish mind.
As the clock struck 2 o' clock, the class dispersed for the day, but while all the fourth graders trotted back home, Mart followed Peter. In the corner of the Lewis Lane, which was where he could cease the first convenient chance to have a word with Peter, Mart approached the bully and said,
"Hey Peter! Listen up, what if I help you win this election?"
"Tell me how would you do that?"
"That'll be a piece of cake on my part. There are always several advantages of being a convincing speaker!", chuckled Mart.
"Goodie-Good. I'm prepared to give you whatever you ask in return, of course, anything that would be within my limits."
"I'll help you win the elections and you will give me your video game."
"That's neat"
"Wait... may be a hundred bucks per month"
"A little too much, I say. For how many months?"
"As long as you remain the President. It's a prestigious affair after all!"
With this the two parted.
A week later, the classroom bore an air of austere silence. Indeed, it was a serious ambiance, with streaks of significant tension among the kids. One after the other, the children poured their carefully folded chits into the secret ballot. There in an isolated corner, stood the frowning boy, Mart. And Mrs. Sullivan announced the long-awaited results.
The elected president of the class was... Master Peter White.
Two months and three weeks later, Peter White resigned. It was not because of the growing burden of responsibilities but of the hundred bucks per month, which unfortunately for him, yet fortunately for the class, Peter couldn't afford!
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