The strike of a sword can annihilate life from lands, drench the soil with innocent blood and reduce mighty kingdoms to mere ashes. The venom of this blood thirsty creature can destroy almost anything and everything that stumbles across its path… But Alas! That's it! That is all it is ever capable of. It's fame is by dint of its notoriety - nothing but a weapon of destruction and discord is what it can be defined as. It can stir waves of resentment, grief and revenge, but never a slice of realization. It can ignite the flame of wrath and rage wars but never skim across the crystals of peace, not to mention of controlling and bringing about a positive change. Unsurprisingly, we mortals bow to the sword, but believe me and believe your hearts, it's out of sheer fright of the wrong, not respect for the right. That's because the sword conquer lands, it’s not an instrument of the true philosophy of life.
It doesn't require an Excalibur to permit the dawn of realization; all it needs is a piece of paper and a bottle of ink. To jut it down precisely, all the world needs today to restore its lost sanity and cooperation as well as enhance its prosperity is the motion of the slim metallic beauty-the pen. Swords fight battles, win triumphant victories and conquer endless stretches of land, while a single pen may ignite the war, concentrate its intensity or for that matter, even subdue it into feathers of peace. The words it carves are more than enough to convince the minds of people in any direction it desires. The miraculous powers of this insurmountable pen are definitely victorious over those of the sword, for written words hit harder than the strike of the swords and imprint a never-fading mark on the minds.
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