A faded deer-orange sky and the twilight sphere setting behind a mob of tall slender trees – I found it best to gaze at the scenic beauty of a winter dusk than being a part of the lunacy of my cousins; They were seized by a weird idea of venturing into the nearby hills and returning the other morning, fearless of the night for the presence of several caves. Although least interested I was compelled to join their trip.
'Utter insanity! What the hell of an idea is this... going on a night-trip!' I cursed on the way, but in reply they tried to explain that this trip only portrayed their adventurous spirit and not insanity. I wasn't convinced, but my reluctance was thoroughly baseless now for I was one of the seven teenagers on their way to the hills, 6o km from town, at 7:30pm!
We reached there without much difficulty and my anxiety as well as discomfort had dwindled to an appreciable extent. We hunted for a cave, settled all our bags, bottles, food packets and other necessities in a corner of the cave, and dimly lit it up with a hand-full of candles that I'd managed to get with me. However the rest were bent on setting up a bonfire and I was sent to fetch some thin boughs, dry and worthy of igniting a fire. But Alas! By the time I sauntered back to the cave, our asylum, nobody was to be seen. My nightmare was carved into reality. I assayed keeping tranquil intact by consoling myself. Perhaps it was a mere insensate prank played by my mischievous cousins... Perhaps it was not! If it's just a joke, I'll be all fine and if not, nothing would be fine!
What could have made them do this? Did they really flee from here or were they somewhere around, waiting to see me reach the cave and go up the wall! In short, I was scared and scared to death. I sat down with my eyes closed in a corner of the cave, for a considerable time. Perhaps anxiety tempts hunger- if not for others at least for me! I nibbled at every packet in the other corner and sat a little distant from the packets for an assumed security. What sort of security, I least knew that! I was lost and that was all I knew for then! No sign of human life... I was confused, frustrated and disturbed! After quarter an hour I ran out of the cave and paced up and down before it, absorbed in thought. I needed a way out of this disgusting silence and solitude, I fled from the cave, straight towards the spot where we had parked our vehicle, although I believed that nothing would be there. I wasn't really sure of where it was parked, so it can be said that in a way I fled aimlessly, without a destination, without my senses intact!
But perhaps, Providence choose to lend a ear to me. What a pleasant yet shocking joy was it on my part to discover our vehicle on a fairly elevated land. So the whole gang was around after all! Within ten minutes of walking from the stationary vehicle, I stumbled across the whole group, in their usual chaotic merriment. All my frustration and anxiety was finally swept away by a mellifluous sigh of relief!
'What were you doing? We told you we'll be near the vehicle, didn't we?'
'Nay, I was told to be by the cave.'
' You dumb creature. Well, how on earth could you hear with all that unnecessary tension that you were burdening yourself with. Anyways, where are the sticks?'
'Oh no! I’ll just go and fetch them in a minute!'
'No way.. never, you’ll get lost again!', was the unanimous scream.
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