Not every sun promises a bright day and I'm not the least unaware of the veiled acrimony such circumstances can hold, particularly after the consequences of a certain spring afternoon.
A sordid silence seeping into the heavy air, escorted by a grotesque silence and amidst it all, my own pensive mind, encroached by bohemian thoughts. I was bored, utterly bored to put up with the mundane surrounds any further and the only thought embracing me, in which I could afford to take refuge was that of sauntering in the lonesome boulevards of the locality that afternoon. I walked out, keeping the sleeping occupants of the house in happy ignorance of my absence, only to come back and be engulfed in my parents' fierce anxiety.
'Why... where the hell did you go?'
'Dad, I actually...', and there they cut me short.
'Roaming on the roads like a true useless fool, I presume?'
'No Mom!'
'Wait, let me explain! I went to pay Sara a visit!' I managed to stammer out.
'And pray why?'
'She had called up and asked me to do so. And probably I'll have to go again. She needed help with her home-work!'
And I finally managed to subdue their wrath, with my lame yet presentable excuse - in short with a convincing lie. They couldn't mark the absence of candor in my words, so I proudly called it convincing.
'Well then, we all are just ready to leave for the amusement park! Since, you are all so engrossed, I wouldn't hinder any of your activities. We'll be back I a few hours! And yes, if you leave for Sara's house again, see that the mansion is well locked up', mother replied in a placid tone.
'It's going top be a little disturbing to enjoy ourselves out their without the person who actually had made all the hue and cry about it!' chuckled my cousin sarcastically.
And what was all this out of the blue. The amusement park! I wanted to go there by all means, and why wouldn't they take me? I could promise them I would get ready in a minute. They most probably wouldn’t mind. But then, I couldn't. They had a reason and I was the one to invent it! I'd explained that I was busy and would have to pay Sara a visit.... I couldn't contradict myself now!
They departed, all so mercilessly, leaving me to my own self in the abandoned mansion. But who was I to blame, other than me? The evening grew darker, and I was feeling all the more lonesome. I hoped, I could really drop by at Sara's house... but that couldn't possible be! While all these thoughts were gnawing at my sanity, the drop bell rung. So, they were finally back! Hurray!
'Hey... everyone's back!'
'Ah! Yes.. There had been a call for you. It was Sara wishing to drop by our house for a minute or two to have a word with you. And I bluntly refused, without any regrets. Weren't all those hours you spent with her enough for a day?' my dad explained.
I was dumbstruck! I had read in one of Paulo Coelho's books' that there are omens strewn along life's path. All you need to follow your dreams is to learn the art of reading these omens. I felt the urgent need to learn how to read these omens, with a great deal of desperateness as well as regret!