A couple of days ago, I heard a noisy mislead youngster say, “I least understand why a number of people still stick to their old traditions and rituals; in the era of science and technology, traditions are no more than pests gnawing at our existence.” This wasn't surprising, but undoubtedly imprudently baseless.
With the dawn of modernization every nation, state and individual has strived to reach the pinnacle before others pour into the rat race. However it seems that in our quest for progress and development, we have tried to wash our hands off our traditions. May be most people are still under the misconception that Traditions are an obstacle in the path of progress. In reality, it isn't traditions but the tradition-less that hinder a society's progress.
A society stands firm on its long established ideas, practices and traditions. We can't expect to built new floors on a long standing tower by disturbing the ground floor; the tower as a whole is certain to collapse. It may strike a few minds that traditions bind us to our own little states and regions and prevent us from treading confidently on the high-tech international path of progress. If that was so, the French, Japanese and the German, all who cling on tight to their customs and traditions would have failed to be one of the most prosperous and developed nationalities. Though they are all super-powers of the twenty-first century world, with their own technologies which are far beyond the standards of many others, their traditions are embedded in their society as it was centuries ago. The more you be yourself and not let go your traditions, the more does the world admire and accept you. So traditions don't hinder, they enhance your progress.
Traditions can't be termed old-fashioned; they are meant to introduce one to his self. Progress can only be complete if it goes hand in hand with traditions, for keeping to one's traditions mean retaining one’s individuality. The law of nature doesn't favor those who manipulate their individuality; it allows only those who know who they are to tread uphill until the reach the pinnacle of success...
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