Its existence seems to last a little more than infinity; it's slow and soft, so much so that every fleeting fantasy seeps into it, yet it is significant. However, it is not infinite nor is it a dream – its life itself.
Be it an ocean of mirth, the pinnacle of success, a sip of fascinating reality or a shower of His own blessings – the best boon bestowed on this carved earth, by Providence, is life itself. For every bit of swift feeling and every stagnant thought is saturated in this solution. A dead stone doesn't realize what wonders the world beholds, it doesn't feel, it doesn't think... that's because it exists, but it doesn't live. Little does he know who is Providence, or for a matter of fact, who on earth is he! For him, every gift of Providence is as numb as he is – lifeless and frozen. So, what lies in anything and everything if you yourself are a stoical statue?
Life, the composite of four words, and some smiles and sighs, is that gift which shelters all others. With its hills and vales, paved roads and abrupt dead ends, it is the only phase of light joining on world of infinite darkness to another world of eternal indifference. Whatever it is, everything is bound within this journey. Not just for mankind, but for every soul that breathes life. Providence has been indeed very generous in endowing us with a mountain of gifts, like virtues, talents, materialistic joys along with realistic ones, fond memories, a supportive surrounding, inexplicably beautiful a nature, and immense success, guarded by enemies; yet what he gives first is a life to live it all, live and love its essence to the fullest. Without it, every gift is reduced to mere nothingness a meaningless crap.
Life out stands all others, as the ultimate gift and there is no denying this fact. It's practically impossible to feign indifference to its emphatic dominance over every other boon of God. This journey of uncountable miles enchants every traveler, and allows it to taste the blissful satisfaction of all the petals of love and wrath shattered on it. This journey defines the world for a man - that is the journey of life.