Crystal dusts settle over
A fading rose tonight.
Yet, amidst the fog and mist,
It dances and shines bright
Least bothered,
Least disturbed…
The song of tonight is
But a painful melody;
The moon, a drop of silver
Floating in a mystic sea…
But down there blooms the rose,
That smiles unbothered.
In spite of the threats of gloom
A magical grace it beholds.
With a heavenly fragrance
The beauty of fortitude it unfolds.
Ah! It’s indifferent to failing
Gloom and agonizing serenity
Her smiles drive away the insanity
Of the night, for to grief it belongs;
They crush the pride of the dark
As he now knows, he’ll last not long
Triumphant is the fading rose
And she shall revive soon again.
For she doesn’t feign endurance,
She can walk through all the pain.
To live another day,
To love a new sun.
To dream another dream
And to walk all along...